“Nicki and Johnny made us feel like time could stand still. I felt at ease and present. And the pictures are amazing!”
—Dawna L.

Well, hello there! We’re Nicki and Johnny—adoring parents; world travelers; lovers of good food, music, and life stories. We’re partners in life and work—you’ll often find us behind the camera, documenting the love stories of couples as Tico & RedOur lives changed in the most amazing way when our daughter, Nina Cate, was born. Every day brings something new. We know how quickly time passes—we’ve experienced it! Memories fade and details can be forgotten. That’s why we love what we do—it reminds us that sometimes the moments most worth remembering are the simple ones spent with those you love.

Hello, I’m Nicki.

I live in Cincinnati with my husband (the handsome guy in the next column over) and our adorable toddler, Nina Cate. My joy comes from exploring new countries and cultures, connecting with friends over good conversation, and finding new ways to make Nina Cate giggle. I find peace on our front porch swing.

I’ve always been a teller of stories, as a designer, photographer, and social impact consultant (ask me what that is when we grab coffee). I’m inspired by people—their triumphs, their struggles, the love that binds them together.

As a family photojournalist, I am honored to bear witness to lives lived. This is my purpose. I capture images of love, transformation, and relationships. I tell family stories.

Let’s tell yours together. 

I’m available for the following sessions:
Family, Day in the Life, Birth

Hey, hey! I’m Johnny.

I’ve always loved the arts, but I hadn’t considered a career in photography until I happened to take an elective in college—I knew then that I’d found my calling.

My first job was documenting a friend’s wedding as a photojournalist and I loved it—the ritual of two people coming together, the unscripted joy of friends and families celebrating, the love, laughter, hope, and faith.

As Nicki and I fill our home with pictures of our life together, I experience the power of photography. Time seems to speed up when you get married and have a baby and I often find myself stopping to look at the images on our walls, reliving each of those precious moments.

I love documenting family stories, full love, laughter, and mess—truthful and real. Time marches on but memories remain strong, beautiful, and alive.

I’m available for the following sessions:
Family, Day in the Life